
2012 immigration quotas for non-seasonal workers

The application process begins on December 7 at 9:00am. The closing date for applications is June 30, 2013, 12:00 pm. 13850 units admitted. From December 4, an online service is available to fill in application forms in advance.

From 9:00am of  December 7 2012 until 12:00pm of June 30, 2013, the online procedure for submitting applications for regularization of non-seasonal workers from third-countries will be available. An overall number of 13850 units will be admitted to Italy and distributed over the national territory under decree of President of the Council of Ministers dated October 16, 2012, ‘Transitional programming for the influx of non-seasonal workers from third-countries into the territory of the State in 2012’, published in the Official Gazette no. 273 on  November 22, 2012.

Distribution of quotas

As part of the overall quota, 2000 units are reserved for foreign nationals residing abroad (entrepreneurs, professionals, non-cooperative business associates, either world-renowned or highly skilled artists), and 100 units for subordinate non-seasonal workers and self-employed workers of Italian origin within the third degree of the direct ascending line, residing in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil. An additional quota of 4,000 units will be admitted for foreign immigrants having completed education and vocational training programmes in their countries of origin (article 23 of legislative decree no. 286/1986), as already envisaged by decree of President of the Council of Ministers dated 13th March 2012 (‘Transitional programming for the influx of non-seasonal workers from third-countries and other categories into the territory of the State in 2012’).

An additional 11,750 foreign workers are entitled to convert other types of stay permits into permits for self-employment and subordinate work purposes.

Quotas reserved for subordinate work purposes will be distributed among the Regional Labour Directorates of the Ministry of Labour and Welfare according to the applications submitted to Single Desks for Immigration, in order to meet local needs.

Application processing

It is important to note that all applications, including those submitted with the assistance of employers’ associations and/or assistance centres, will be processed on a one-to-one basis by the application software. As a result, submission of multiple applications in a unique operation will be processed as a series of single submissions, according to the order of filling, and only one receipt will be generated for each application.

Applications will be processed in a chronological order, based on date and time of submission. Information on the application status can be obtained from the competent Single Desk for Immigration (to find out the address, go to: (source: Ministry of Interior).


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Regularization – Permesso per attesa occupazione, kung matatapos ang trabaho bago tawagin ng SUI

Dec 7, simula ng quotas para sa non-seasonal workers